Multigenerational women having fun wearing face beauty mask

Body treatments are like a facial for your whole body. The basic idea is to cleanse, exfoliate, and hydrate all of you. Leaving your whole body feeling softer, smoother, and much more relaxed than before. From Body Scrubs and Mud Wraps to localized treatments, we have body treatments for anyone looking to elevate the look and feel of their skin.

Not sure which body treatment is right for you? Contact Us today to schedule a free consultation!

Body Treatments


Keratosis Pilaris (KP) is a common long-term (chronic) skin condition causing the skin to create excess keratin that looks like small, scaly bumps on the hair follicles. These bumps can appear on the upper arms, thighs, and buttocks as well as your cheeks and the sides of the body. There’s no cure for KP, but the symptoms can be managed with treatment. The bumps will come back when you stop the recommended treatment.

30M $50

NOTE: Repeat every 3 to 4 weeks for best results

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In essence, this is a cleavage facial designed to give a smoother appearance and will address fine lines, blocked pores, and light hyperpigmentation.

45M $80

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Do you struggle with ingrowns or discoloration in your armpit? With our underarm treatment, your professionally trained aesthetician will gently cleanse the area with a special exfoliating scrub, followed by an application of an acid peel to help free any trapped hairs and blocked pores. Can be a stand alone treatment or added to a facial.

30M $50

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This deep-pore cleansing and resurfacing treatment for your back helps clear up breakouts, repairs sun damage, hydrates and nourishes neglected skin in this hard-to-reach area.

45M $80

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Like most, you will experience a breakout, ingrown hair, or dry-rough skin on your bum. Let us help make those bumpies disappear. A professionally trained aesthetician will gently cleanse and exfoliate the area with special ingredients to help clear those unbecoming bumps, unblock pores and brighten the skin.

45M $80

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Clear your bikini area of ingrowns and dark pigment. In our vajacial treatment, your professionally trained aesthetician will gently cleanse and exfoliate the area with special ingredients to help free trapped hairs, blocked pores, and brighten the skin.

45M $80

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Body Scrub

Relax while we polish you! This treatment will slough off dull, dry skin and end with moisturization leaving you smooth, refreshed, and vibrant. Additionally, this service is fantastic for anyone seeking full-body relaxation without the compression of a massage.

60M $80

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Mud Wrap

Enrich your skin with this nourishing and softening mud mask. This mask has antioxidant, anti-aging, hydrating, and healing benefits. It is ideal for anyone looking to give dry, lackluster skin a boost. Additionally, this service is fantastic for anyone seeking full-body relaxation without the compression of a massage.

60M $80

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Scrub and Mud Wrap

Can’t decide between our scrub and our mud wrap? Try both! The scrub will exfoliate and prepare the skin to receive the utmost benefits from the mud. You’ll leave soft, supple, moisturized, and glowing. Additionally, this service is fantastic for anyone seeking full-body relaxation without the compression of a massage.

Approx. 90M $120

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Diamond Glow Background

DiamondGlow® Body Treatment

It’s time to expand your DiamonGlow® treatment to your entire body. This treatment is similar to the facial treatment, utilizing a wider diamond tip to cover more surface area. Set aside some time to bask in self-care and treat yourself to a complete body DiamondGlowBody treatment! We use the SkinMedica TNS® Advanced+ Pro-Infusion Serum, which is formulated to target coarse wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin while enhancing tone and texture.

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